"...no one can take away our nature, our clean air, our clean water, or our stable climate. At least not without fighting for it."
Inger Andersen
Director of the United Nations Environment Programme
UN Global Compact - 2030 Goals
Certifications for Industry
DC3 Safe Work Skills in INDUSTRY
Work skills (Heights, welding, handling hazardous substances, first aid, maneuvers and lifting, welding, PPE, vs fire, lifting equipment, scaffolding).
EC1181 and EC0586.01
Supervision and Installation of Residential, Commercial and Industrial Solar Panels
CONOCER Certifications (National Council for Standardization and Certification of Labor Competencies)
WPS and WPQR skills for welding on structures
If required, we carry out the procedure WPS is the acronym for Welding Procedure Specification, PQR is the abbreviation for Procedure Qualification Record, (WPQR)